退房 Check-out: 12:00 PM 中午前
早餐時段 Breakfast: 7:00~10:00 AM
1. 客房全面禁菸,吸菸者酌收清潔費2000元起
No smoking at room, fine minimum NT$2000
2. 提早入住或延遲退房,依房型酌收加時費。
early check-in and late check-out will be charged for extra rates.
3. 官網訂單須每日中午12點前退房,依現場安排,恕無法指定房號。
Official Booking reservation rate doesn't include consecutive stay fees, guests have to check out everyday.
4. 如貴賓您有連續住宿不退房之需求,現場將依入住房型另收每日加時費。
If consecutive accommodation, it will be extra charged for late check-out fee per day. Hourly rate depends on the room types, please pay to receptionist.
5.本館提供 免費自助洗烘衣
We offer our guests 24-hour self-service laundry facilities.
祝您有美好的一晚 Wish you have a good night
如有其他疑問,客房電話撥【9】If you have further query, please dial 9 on room phone.
里萊行旅 Lilai Inn